EPI phase correction¶
Author: Zimu Huo¶
Date: 05.2022¶
Due to the alternating direction of the EPI readout lines, hardware imperfections such as timing delays, eddy currents, and gradient coil heating can cause misalignment of the forward and reverse lines in k-space. This misalignment manifests itself in the images as a Nyquist (N/2) ghost in the phase encode direction and sinusoidal modulation of the object in the frequency encode direction.
The sampling incoherence is removed when interleving the positive and negative echos. However, a 2x acceleration is introduced to each dataset, resulting noise amplification
Author: Xie V, Lyu M, Liu Y, Feng Y, Wu E
Title: Robust EPI Nyquist ghost removal by incorporating phase error correction with sensitivity encoding (PEC-SENSE)
Link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28590562/
import sys
sys.path.insert(1, '../')
sys.path.insert(1, '../../')
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from util.fft import *
from util.phantom import *
from util.coil import *
from util.tool import *
from util.cgSolver import *
import scipy.io
def get_tissue_images(): # helper function to create realistic brain phantom
tissuetype = ['graymatter', 'deep_graymatter', 'whitematter', 'csf']
T2 = [110, 100, 60, 1500]
T2s = [40, 45, 50, 1000]
mat = scipy.io.loadmat('../lib/tissue_images.mat')
tissues = mat.get("tissue_images")[:,:,:,:]
return np.squeeze(tissues), tissuetype
tissues,tissuetype = get_tissue_images()
ny, nx, nz, nt = tissues.shape
nc = 4 # number of coils
TE = 100
ideal_image = np.zeros([ny, nx, nz], dtype = complex)
for t in range(nt):
ideal_image += tissues[...,t] * np.exp(TE/t2(tissuetype[t]))
images = ideal_image[:,:,nz//2] # we are only interested in one slice
data = fft2c(images)
coils = generate_birdcage_sensitivities(matrix_size = ny, number_of_coils = nc)
images = np.repeat(images[...,np.newaxis], nc, axis = -1) * coils
data = fft2c(images)
coilmaps = cmap(images)
# plot the simulated ground truth image
# helper functions
def apply_epi_phase(data, tvecm):
recon = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype = complex)
tvec = np.ones(data.shape, dtype = complex)
tvec[1::2,...] = np.tile(tvecm.reshape(-1,1), data.shape[2])
data = ifft(data,1)
recon = data * tvec
recon = ifft(recon,0)
return fft2c(recon)
The misalignment between the forward and reverse kx lines is typically modeled as a linear phase difference in the hybrid space (after Fourier transforming the data along the frequency encoding axis) as follows:
- ( x ) is the index of the position in the readout direction of total size ( N_x ),
- ( a ) is the slope of the phase due to the constant time echo delay,
- ( b ) is a constant off-resonance phase shift between the even and odd readouts in K-space.
a = 3.00
b = -0.5
x = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, nx)
tvecm = np.exp(1j* (a*x+b))
data = apply_epi_phase(data, tvecm)
plt.imshow(rsos(ifft2c(data)), cmap = "gray")
import cv2 as cv2
def epi_phasecorrection_pecsense(data, coilmaps):
# perform 2 separate sense recon to correct epi ghost
# Author: Zimu Huo
even = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype = complex)
odd = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype = complex)
even[::2] = data[::2]
odd[1::2] = data[1::2]
even_recon = cg_sense(even, coilmaps)
odd_recon = cg_sense(odd, coilmaps)
dif = np.angle(even_recon * odd_recon.conj())
dif = np.float32(dif)
dif = cv2.bilateralFilter(dif,15,80,80)
even_coilmaps = np.copy(coilmaps)
odd_coilmaps = coilmaps *np.repeat(( np.exp(-1j*dif))[:, :, None], repeats=nc, axis=-1)
recon = cg_sense(np.concatenate((even, odd), axis=-1), np.concatenate((even_coilmaps, odd_coilmaps), axis=-1), 2)
return recon
recon = epi_phasecorrection_pecsense(data, coilmaps)
plt.figure(figsize =(16,12))
plt.imshow((np.abs(rsos(ifft2c(data)))), cmap ="gray")
plt.imshow((np.abs(((recon)))), cmap ="gray")
def gaussian_noise(shape, L = None, mu = 0, sigma = 1):
# generate noise, L is the correlation matrix (noise colors), can also be used to pre-whitten the noise
[ny, nx, nc] = shape
n = np.zeros([ny * nx, nc], dtype = complex)
n.real = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, ny*nx*nc).reshape(ny * nx, nc)
n.imag = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, ny*nx*nc).reshape(ny * nx, nc)
if L is not None:
n = n@L
return n.reshape(ny, nx, nc)
a = 3.00
b = -0.5
data = fft2c(images)
data = data + gaussian_noise(data.shape, sigma = 0.004)
x = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, nx)
tvecm = np.exp(1j* (a*x+b))
data = apply_epi_phase(data, tvecm)
plt.imshow(rsos(ifft2c(data)), cmap = "gray")
recon = epi_phasecorrection_pecsense(data, coilmaps)
plt.figure(figsize =(16,12))
plt.imshow((np.abs(rsos(ifft2c(data)))), cmap ="gray")
plt.imshow((np.abs(((recon)))), cmap ="gray")