EPI blip-up blip-down correction¶
Author: Zimu Huo¶
Date: 07.2022¶
Let's consider a simplified scenario where the b0 varies only in one direction and the distortion occurs along this dimension as well. In this case, the distortion can be thought of as stretching or dilating the image. The line integral approach leverages this property by assuming that the total line integral along the distortion direction should be identical. Since we know that the distortion is equal and opposite, we can derive the displacement field and the corrected image.
Author: Huairen Zeng, R Todd Constable
Title: Image distortion correction in EPI: comparison of field mapping with point spread function mapping
Link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12111941/
In [4]:
import sys
sys.path.insert(1, '../')
sys.path.insert(1, '../../')
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from util.fft import *
from util.phantom import *
from util.coil import *
from util.tool import *
In [5]:
import scipy.io
def get_tissue_images(): # helper function to create realistic phantom
tissuetype = ['graymatter', 'deep_graymatter', 'whitematter', 'csf']
T2 = [110, 100, 60, 1500]
T2s = [40, 45, 50, 1000]
mat = scipy.io.loadmat('../lib/tissue_images.mat')
tissues = mat.get("tissue_images")[:,:,:,:]
return np.squeeze(tissues), tissuetype
In [6]:
def gaussian_noise(shape, L = None, mu = 0, sigma = 1):
[ny, nx] = shape
n = np.zeros([ny * nx], dtype = complex)
n.real = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, ny*nx).reshape(ny * nx)
n.imag = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, ny*nx).reshape(ny * nx)
return n.reshape(ny, nx)
In [7]:
tissues,tissuetype = get_tissue_images()
ny, nx, nz, nt = tissues.shape
In [8]:
TE = 100
ideal_image = np.zeros([ny, nx, nz], dtype = complex)
for t in range(nt):
ideal_image += tissues[...,t] * np.exp(TE/t2(tissuetype[t]))
ideal_image = ideal_image[:,:,nz//2]
Next we generate a off-resonance field in the frequency encoding direction, the slow direction of EPI acquistion.
In [9]:
G = 0.005
fov = ny
dwell_time = 1
gamma = 2* np.pi * 42.58
t = np.linspace(-1, 1, nx) * 1E-3 * fov
phase_inc = gamma * G * dwell_time
field = np.zeros([ny, nx], dtype = complex)
for y in range(ny):
field[y] = phase_inc * y
In [10]:
Now, we simulate the image acquisition process by tracing two paths: one starting from the top of the image to the bottom, and another from the bottom to the top.
This allows us to investigate how the distortion affects the image formation -> should be equal and opposite
In [15]:
image = np.zeros([ny, nx], dtype = complex)
G = 0.01
fov = ny
dwell_time = 1
gamma = 2* np.pi * 42.58
t = np.linspace(-1, 1, nx) * 1E-3 * fov
phase_inc = gamma * G * dwell_time
for y in range(ny):
modulation = np.exp(1j * t * field[y])
modulation = np.repeat(modulation[:,None], nx, -1)
tmp = ideal_image * modulation
image[y] = fft2c(tmp)[y]
contracted = ifft2c(image)
show(np.concatenate((ideal_image, contracted), -1) )
In [16]:
image = np.zeros([ny, nx], dtype = complex)
G = 0.01
fov = ny
dwell_time = 1
gamma = 2* np.pi * 42.58
t = np.linspace(-1, 1, nx) * 1E-3 * fov
phase_inc = gamma * G * dwell_time
for y in range(ny-1,0,-1):
modulation = np.exp(1j * t * field[ny-y])
modulation = np.repeat(modulation[:,None], nx, -1)
tmp = ideal_image * modulation
image[y] = fft2c(tmp)[y]
extended = ifft2c(image)
show(np.concatenate((ideal_image, extended), -1) )
In [21]:
def find_nearest(array, value):
array = np.asarray(array)
idx = (np.abs(array - value)).argmin()
return idx
In [24]:
from tqdm import tqdm
from scipy import interpolate
def blip_reversed_correction_line_integral(contracted, extended, oversampling = 50, overgrid = 10):
# perform line inetgral distortion correction, for each column of the image (vertical direction)
# Author: Zimu Huo
[ny,nx] = contracted.shape
recon = np.zeros([ny, nx])
for x in tqdm(range(nx)):
sig1 = np.cumsum(np.abs(contracted[:,x]))
sig2 = np.cumsum(np.abs(extended[:,x]))
avg = (sig1+sig2)/2
maxval = (max(sig1)+ max(sig2))/2
minval = (min(sig1)+min(sig2)) / 2
f1 = interpolate.interp1d(np.linspace(0,1,ny), sig1, kind='cubic', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)
f2 = interpolate.interp1d(np.linspace(0,1,ny), sig2, kind='cubic', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)
y1s = f1(np.linspace(0, 1, ny*overgrid))
y2s = f2(np.linspace(0, 1, ny*overgrid))
list_idx = []
list_val = []
for val in (np.linspace(minval, maxval, ny * oversampling)):
x1 = find_nearest(y1s, val) / overgrid
x2 = find_nearest(y2s, val) / overgrid
if (x1+x2)/2 not in list_idx:
idx = np.asarray(list_idx)
val = np.asarray(list_val)
f = interpolate.interp1d(idx, val, kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)
b = f(np.arange(ny))
b[b>maxval] = 0
for i in range(1,b.size):
if b[i] < b[i-1]:
b[i] = b[i-1]
recon[:,x] = np.ediff1d(b, to_begin=b[0])
return recon
In [25]:
from tqdm import tqdm
from scipy import interpolate
def blip_reversed_correction_displacement_field(contracted, extended, oversampling = 10, overgrid = 10):
[ny,nx] = contracted.shape
recon = np.zeros([ny, nx])
for x in tqdm(range(nx)):
sig1 = np.cumsum(np.abs(contracted[:,x]))
sig2 = np.cumsum(np.abs(extended[:,x]))
avg = (sig1+sig2)/2
maxval = (max(sig1)+ max(sig2))/2
minval = (min(sig1)+min(sig2)) / 2
f1 = interpolate.interp1d(np.linspace(0,1,ny), sig1, kind='cubic', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)
f2 = interpolate.interp1d(np.linspace(0,1,ny), sig2, kind='cubic', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)
y1s = f1(np.linspace(0, 1, ny*overgrid))
y2s = f2(np.linspace(0, 1, ny*overgrid))
list_idx = []
list_val = []
for val in (np.linspace(minval, maxval, ny * oversampling)):
x1 = find_nearest(y1s, val) / overgrid
x2 = find_nearest(y2s, val) / overgrid
if (x1+x2)/2 not in list_idx:
idx = np.asarray(list_idx)
val = np.asarray(list_val)
f = interpolate.interp1d(idx[:-5], val[:-5], kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)
b = f(np.arange(ny))
recon[:,x] = b
return recon
In [26]:
recon = blip_reversed_correction_line_integral(contracted, extended)
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 222/222 [00:52<00:00, 4.20it/s]
In [27]:
plt.figure(figsize = (16,12))
plt.imshow(np.abs(np.concatenate((ideal_image, extended, contracted, recon, ideal_image-recon), -1)), cmap = "gray" )
In [28]:
displacementfield = blip_reversed_correction_displacement_field(contracted, extended)
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 222/222 [00:07<00:00, 28.69it/s]
In [29]:
plt.figure(figsize = (16,12))
plt.imshow(np.abs(contracted), cmap = "gray")
plt.imshow(np.abs(extended), cmap = "gray")
plt.imshow(np.abs(recon), cmap = "gray")
plt.title("displacement field")
tf = plt.imshow(displacementfield,cmap='jet')
plt.colorbar(tf, fraction=0.046, pad=0.04)
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