Author: Zimu Huo¶
Date: 07.2022¶
Challenges arise when reconstructing from non-uniform sampling patterns in the Fourier domain. Performing a direct Fourier transform in such cases incurs a quadratic computation cost of O($N^2$), rendering it impractical for standard practices at high resolutions. This requires transforming non-Cartesian samples back into a uniformly spaced Cartesian grid, enabling the utilization of more efficient FFT algorithms. Typical regridding procedures involve convolving the acquired data with a predefined gridding kernel weighted by the pre-calculated density compensation function, followed by a resampling process onto the Cartesian grid. The ideal gridding kernel is a sinc function, as its Fourier transform results in a rectangular function. However, since the optimal convolution function is of infinite extent, implementing it directly is impractical. To address this, the convolution kernel is truncated and windowed. A popular choice for this purpose is the use of Kaiser-Bessel functions. These methodologies are commonly known as "gridding" and is a special case of non-uniform Fourier transforms (NUFFT).
Author: J.I. Jackson
Title: Selection of a convolution function for Fourier inversion using gridding (computerised tomography application)
import sys
sys.path.insert(1, '../')
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from nufft import *
from util.fft import *
from scipy import interpolate
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
from scipy.spatial import Voronoi, ConvexHull, convex_hull_plot_2d, voronoi_plot_2d
gridsize = 256
# data from Dr. Neal bangerter
trajectory = np.load("../lib/nufft_trajectory.npy")
data = np.load("../lib/nufft_data.npy")
plt.title("Trajectory (zoomed)")
plt.scatter(trajectory[:,0], trajectory[:,1])
(-0.05, 0.05)
# Generic kb kernel
Formula from Jack et al.(1991)
According to Jackson 1991, on selection of the colvolution kernel page 3
u is only defined for |u|<w/2
The convolution kernel is symmetrical, so only half part is computed, and it is also
presampled with oversampling ratio of 2 for faster computation, check Betty's paper for lower oversampling ratio.
def kb(u, width, beta):
# kb function
# Auther: Zimu Huo
u = beta*np.sqrt(1-(2*u/width)**2)
u = np.i0(u)/width
return u
def KaiserBesselwindow(width, length,overgridfactor):
# kb kernel
# Auther: Zimu Huo
w = width
l = length
alpha = overgridfactor
beta = np.pi*np.sqrt(w**2/alpha**2*(alpha-1/2)**2-0.8)
# from betty, 2005, on rapid griding algorithms
u = np.arange(0,l,1)/(l-1)*w/2
#According to Jackson 1991, on selection of the colvolution kernel page 3
#u is only defined for |u|<w/2
window = kb(u, w, beta)
window = window/window[0]
return window
standard griding
def gridding(mat, data, traj, dcf,kernalwidth=5):
# standard gridding function, perform convolution using nested for loops
# Auther: Zimu Huo
gridsize = mat.shape[0]
Kernallength = 32
kernalwidth = kernalwidth
window = KaiserBesselwindow(kernalwidth, Kernallength, 1.375)
kwidth = kernalwidth / 2 / gridsize
gridcenter = gridsize / 2
for n, weight in enumerate(dcf):
kx = traj[n,0]
ky = traj[n,1]
xmin = int((kx - kwidth) * gridsize + gridcenter)
xmax = int((kx + kwidth) * gridsize + gridcenter) + 1
ymin = int((ky - kwidth) * gridsize + gridcenter)
ymax = int((ky + kwidth) * gridsize + gridcenter) + 1
if (xmin < 0):
xmin = 0
if (xmax >= gridsize):
xmax = gridsize
if (ymin < 0):
ymin = 0
if (ymax >= gridsize):
ymax = gridsize
for x in range(xmin, xmax):
dx = (x - gridcenter) / gridsize - kx
for y in range(ymin, ymax):
dy = (y - gridcenter) / gridsize - ky
d = np.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)
if (d < kwidth):
idx = d / kwidth * (Kernallength - 1)
idxint = int(idx)
frac = idx - idxint
kernal = window[idxint] * (1 - frac) + window[idxint + 1] * frac
mat[x, y] += kernal * weight * data[n]
return mat
Equation 19
(W * phi) * R from Jim Pipe et al. (1999)
It simply means convolving the weight with the kernel onto R, which is a Cartesian grid.
Complexity O(2pi L^2 N)
def grid(traj, dcf, gridsize = 256):
# Gridding function
# Auther: Zimu Huo
mat = np.zeros([gridsize, gridsize], dtype=complex)
gridsize = mat.shape[0]
Kernallength = 32
kernalwidth = 5
window = KaiserBesselwindow(kernalwidth, Kernallength, 1.375)
kwidth = kernalwidth / 2 / gridsize
gridcenter = gridsize / 2
for n, weight in enumerate(dcf):
kx = traj[n,0]
ky = traj[n,1]
xmin = int((kx - kwidth) * gridsize + gridcenter)
xmax = int((kx + kwidth) * gridsize + gridcenter) + 1
ymin = int((ky - kwidth) * gridsize + gridcenter)
ymax = int((ky + kwidth) * gridsize + gridcenter) + 1
if (xmin < 0):
xmin = 0
if (xmax >= gridsize):
xmax = gridsize
if (ymin < 0):
ymin = 0
if (ymax >= gridsize):
ymax = gridsize
for x in range(xmin, xmax):
dx = (x - gridcenter) / gridsize - kx
for y in range(ymin, ymax):
dy = (y - gridcenter) / gridsize - ky
d = np.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)
if (d < kwidth):
idx = d / kwidth * (Kernallength - 1)
idxint = int(idx)
frac = idx - idxint
kernal = window[idxint] * (1 - frac) + window[idxint + 1] * frac
mat[x, y] += kernal * weight
return mat
Equation 19
(((W * phi) * R) *phi) * S = w from Jim Pipe et al. (1999)
It simply means convolving the weight with the kernel onto R, which is a Cartesian grid.
then re-sample back to the weight vector w using the kernel phi from trajectory S
Complexity also O(2pi L^2 N)
def degrid(mat,traj):
# adjoint of gridding
# Auther: Zimu Huo
gridsize = mat.shape[0]
gridcenter = (gridsize / 2)
weight = np.zeros(traj.shape[0])
Kernallength = 32
kernalwidth = 5
window = KaiserBesselwindow(kernalwidth, Kernallength, 1.375)
kwidth = kernalwidth / 2 / gridsize
for n, loc in enumerate(traj):
kx = loc[0]
ky = loc[1]
xmin = int((kx - kwidth) * gridsize + gridcenter)
xmax = int((kx + kwidth) * gridsize + gridcenter) + 1
ymin = int((ky - kwidth) * gridsize + gridcenter)
ymax = int((ky + kwidth) * gridsize + gridcenter) + 1
if (xmin < 0):
xmin = 0
if (xmax >= gridsize):
xmax = gridsize
if (ymin < 0):
ymin = 0
if (ymax >= gridsize):
ymax = gridsize
for x in range(xmin, xmax):
dx = (x - gridcenter) / gridsize - kx
for y in range(ymin, ymax):
dy = (y - gridcenter) / gridsize - ky
d = np.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)
if (d < kwidth):
idx = d / kwidth * (Kernallength - 1)
idxint = int(idx)
frac = idx - idxint
kernal = window[idxint] * (1 - frac) + window[idxint + 1] * frac
weight[n] += np.abs(mat[x, y]) * (kernal)
return weight
The mean loop:
Equation 19
(((W * phi) * R) *phi) * S = w from Jim Pipe et al. (1999)
def pipedcf(traj, ns):
dcf = np.ones(ns)
for i in tqdm(range(10)):
mat = grid(traj, dcf)
newdcf = degrid(mat, traj)
dcf = dcf / newdcf
return dcf
ns = len(trajectory)
dcf = pipedcf(trajectory, ns)
mat = np.zeros([gridsize, gridsize], dtype=complex)
mat = gridding(mat, data, trajectory, dcf)
0%| | 0/10 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
plt.figure(figsize =(12,8))
plt.plot(trajectory[:,0], trajectory[:,1])
plt.xlim([-0.5, 0.5])
plt.ylim([-0.5, 0.5])
plt.imshow(np.abs(((ifft2c(mat)))), cmap ="gray")