I will skip the details of GRAPPA.
bSSFP suffers from unique banding artifacts, which are commonly corrected by using multiple phase cycles. These banding artifacts are a form of spatial modulation. While it is tricky to exploit this with SENSE (you will need coil maps and bssfp profile maps), this additional redundancy can be easily utilized by GRAPPA. To achieve this, we simply extend the GRAPPA kernel to include the phase cycle dimensions.
Author: Berkin Bilgic et al.
Title: Joint Reconstruction for Phase-Cycled Balanced SSFP
Link: https://martinos.org/~berkin/2016_08_06_bssfp_abstract.pdf
import sys
sys.path.insert(1, '../')
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from util.coil import *
import util.mask as undersample
from util.fft import *
import util.simulator as simulate
from util.jg import *
from math import log10, sqrt
import cv2
import numpy as np
def PSNR(original, compressed):
original = abs(original)
compressed = abs(compressed)
mse = np.mean((original - compressed) ** 2)
if(mse == 0): # MSE is zero means no noise is present in the signal .
# Therefore PSNR have no importance.
return 100
max_pixel = 255.0
psnr = 20 * log10(max_pixel / sqrt(mse))
return psnr
def plot_singular_values(matrix):
# Compute the singular values
singular_values = np.linalg.svd(matrix, compute_uv=False)
# print(singular_values[1]/singular_values[-1])
# Plotting the singular values
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
plt.plot(singular_values, 'o-')
plt.title('Singular Values')
plt.ylabel('Singular Value')
def joint_grappa_weights(calib, R, kh = 4, kw = 5, lamda = 3e-3):
#train kernel
[ncy, ncx, pc, nc] = calib.shape
ks = pc*nc*kh*kw
nt = (ncy-(kh-1)*R)*(ncx-(kw-1))
inMat=np.zeros([nt, ks], dtype = complex)
outMat=np.zeros([nt,(R-1),pc, nc], dtype = complex)
n = 0
for x in ((np.arange(np.floor(kw/2),ncx-np.floor(kw/2), dtype=int))):
for y in (np.arange(ncy-(kh-1)*R)):
inMat[n,...] = calib[y:y+kh*R:R, int(x-np.floor(kw/2)):int(x+np.floor(kw/2))+1,:,:].reshape(1,-1)
outMat[n,...] = calib[int(y+np.floor((R*(kh-1)+1)/2) - np.floor(R/2))+1:int(y+np.floor((R*(kh-1)+1)/2)-np.floor(R/2)+R),x,:,:]
n = n + 1
weight = np.zeros([(R-1), ks, pc, nc], dtype = complex)
# plot_singular_values(inMat)
# Solve on a per-coil, per-phase cycle basis. You can also flatten these dimensions to jointly solve across coils and phase cycles.
if lamda:
[u,s,vh] = np.linalg.svd(inMat,full_matrices=False)
s_inv = np.conj(s) / (np.abs(s)**2 + lamda);
inMat_inv = vh.conj().T @ np.diag(s_inv) @ u.conj().T;
for c in range(nc):
for p in range(pc):
weight[:,:,p,c] = (inMat_inv @ outMat[:,:,p,c]).T;
for c in range(nc):
for p in range(pc):
weight[:,:,p,c] = (np.linalg.pinv(inMat) @ outMat[:,:,p,c]).T;
return weight
def joint_grappa(dataR, calib, kh = 4, kw = 5, lamda = 0,combine =True, w= None, R = None):
if R is None:
mask = np.where(dataR[:,0,0] == 0, 0, 1).flatten()
R = int(np.ceil(mask.shape[0]/np.sum(mask)))
acs = calib
[ny, nx, pc, nc] = dataR.shape
if w is None:
w = joint_grappa_weights(acs, R, kh, kw, lamda)
data = np.zeros([ny, nx, pc, nc], dtype = complex)
for x in (range(nx)):
xs = get_circ_xidx(x, kw, nx)
for y in range (0,ny,R):
ys = np.mod(np.arange(y, y+(kh)*R, R), ny)
yf = get_circ_yidx(ys, R, kh, ny)
kernel = dataR[ys, :, :,:][:, xs,:,:].reshape(-1,1)
for c in range(nc):
for p in range(pc):
data[yf, x, p,c] = np.matmul(w[:,:,p,c], kernel).flatten()
data += dataR
images = ifft2c(data)
if combine:
return rsos(rsos(images,-1),-1)
return images
def get_circ_xidx(x, kw, nx):
return np.mod(np.linspace(x-np.floor(kw/2), x+np.floor(kw/2), kw,dtype = int),nx)
def get_circ_yidx(ys, R, kh, ny):
return np.mod(np.linspace(ys[kh//2-1]+1, np.mod(ys[kh//2]-1,ny), R-1, dtype = int), ny)
data = np.load("../lib/ssfp_pc8.npy")
rawImage = ifft2c(data)
truth = rsos(rsos(rawImage,-1),-1)
[ny, nx, pc, nc] = data.shape
acs = simulate.acs(data, (32, 32))
dataR = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype = complex)
R = 4
dataR[::R] = data[::R]
standard_recon = np.zeros([ny, nx, pc], dtype = complex)
for p in range(pc):
standard_recon[:,:,p] = grappa(dataR[:,:,p,:], acs[:,:,p,:], 2, 7)
standard_recon = rsos(standard_recon)
joint_recon = joint_grappa(dataR, acs, 2, 7, lamda = 6e-3)
print(PSNR(truth,joint_recon)) # better results with joint recon
27.094985460267612 29.09919849032342
plt.imshow(np.abs(truth),cmap='gray', vmin = 0, vmax = 120)
plt.title("ground truth")
plt.imshow(np.abs(standard_recon),cmap='gray', vmin = 0, vmax = 120)
plt.title("standard grappa")
plt.imshow(np.abs(joint_recon),cmap='gray', vmin = 0, vmax = 120)
plt.title("joint grappa")